Theo De souza
Photo to Sketch
Art sketch-Traditional
Negative Prompt: Blurry lines, Smudges, Incomplete shading, Low resolution, Distorted proportions, Unwanted background elements, Uneven texture, Poor lighting, Excessive noise, Lack of contrast
0 Remix
Copy prompt and settings, remix creation.
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Photo to Sketch of Art sketch-Art sketch-Traditional tatoo art style, folk creature, deer antlers, vamp Design Idea AI Image Generated by Theo De souza 548291981116485 | PromeAI

Theo De souza
Photo to Sketch
Art sketch-Traditional
Negative Prompt: Blurry lines, Smudges, Incomplete shading, Low resolution, Distorted proportions, Unwanted background elements, Uneven texture, Poor lighting, Excessive noise, Lack of contrast
0 Remix
Copy prompt and settings, remix creation.
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